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The Watching: A Corgi Christmas Journey

By Millie J. Williams

With original art by by Lyn Hamer Cook, Sari Davies, Karen Howell, Kim Hundley, Susan Jacob, Chris Landers, Ginnie Mickelson, Diane Puntenney, Cindy Read, John Scarinci, and Barbie Sonnett

“The three corgi sisters didn't have real names when they lived caged in the bad place, they were just called You and That One and Here. But You had a dream about a special, magical place where there was plenty to eat and toys to play with, a place where a dog could be happy and free. Escaping to follow that dream led her on a dangerous and difficult journey to the Castle. As Christmas approached, she joined the rest of the corgis and other animals at the Castle in preparing for a mysterious annual event called the Watching. Even though she slowly began to trust humans and sometimes to have fun, her heart ached for her missing sisters. But although You and the other First Watchers didn't quite know what would happen in the field far beyond the Castle walls, the Watching is always a time of surprises and miracles. This year would be no different.”

The annual version of “The Watching” by Millie J. Williams, usually released for Christmas Eve, has become a tradition in corgidom, enjoyed each year by thousands of readers. Now we are happy to offer the new story for 2012, The Watching: A Corgi Christmas Journey

This new book is shipping now. Order now to be sure you have your book in time for Christmas.

Auction Live Now: A special one-week-only eBay auction of the beautiful original art created for The Watching: A Corgi Christmas Journey began Sunday, December 2, and runs for seven days, through Sunday, December 9.

Also Available: Holiday ornaments and other items from CorgiAid's CafePress store featuring art from all four years of The Watching.

All net proceeds for these books (after printing and shipping) benefit CorgiAid. The books are only $20 each, which includes shipping, so order extras as gifts for all your animal-loving friends, young and old. International orders are $27 each.

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