The Watching: A Corgi Christmas Tale
With original art by Evie Anderson, Kay Folk, Robert Holst, Kim Hundley, Chris Landers, Ginnie Mickelson, Diane Puntenney, Cindy Read, Cathy Santarsiero, John Scarinici, Christian Slade, and Barbie Sonnett
“Christmas was coming, and Princess Cheveu and all the other corgis and animals at the Castle were preparing for a mysterious and magical event called the Watching. A little red and white corgi, Lola, had been abandoned at the Castle doorway because she couldn’t do her job herding farm animals. Like other lucky rescued dogs, she had found safety at last. But would she be able to overcome her fears and journey to the field for the Watching? And what big surprise would await the Watchers?”
The annual version of “The Watching,” usually released for Christmas Eve, has become a tradition in corgidom. Millie Williams wrote the original story in 2002 for the Corgese list on Yahoo Groups, and since then it has been enjoyed each year by thousands of readers on Corgese, Corgi-L, WheelCorgis, and other e-mail lists. Each year, people have looked forward to the new story, and in 2008, “The Watching: Misty” was published, with photos, on the Web. Now the 2009 story―The Watching: A Corgi Christmas Tale―has been immortalized in a more permanent form, published as a beautiful full color paperback book with dazzling artwork.
All net proceeds for these books (after printing and shipping) benefit CorgiAid. The books are only $20 each, which includes shipping, so order extras as gifts for all your animal-loving friends, young and old. International orders are $27 each.
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Holiday Ornaments: Four beautiful 2009 holiday ornaments with original art from The Watching by Robert Holst, Cindy Read, Cathy Santarsiero, and Barbie Sonnett are available now through CorgiAid's Cafe Press store. Order yours today.