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CorgiAid Grant Applicaction

Step 1: Ensure you meet the basic guidelines

CorgiAid helps corgis and corgi mixes get medical care so they can become adoptable. We are sometimes also able to help with dogs that have been rescued and are now in permanent homes if the dog had a pre-existing condition before rescue. We cannot help with any expenses for established pets This dictates what we are able to do. We have funding guidelines that we must meet, without exception, to ensure we are meeting the expectations of those who donate to us and that our money is being used appropriately. The first step of the application is to ensure, before you go to the work of filling out the entire application, that you meet the basic guidelines. This saves us all time. Please answer the following questions:

What is your dog's breed? (We'll ask for a picture later)
Cardigan Welsh corgi
Pembroke Welsh corgi
Corgi mix
Other breed or not a dog

What are you applying for?

Grant for medical expenses
Loaner Cart
Both expenses and a loaner cart (this app is expenses)

What is your role for this dog?
I am representing a shelter
I am temporarily fostering this dog with a rescue organization or as an individual until the dog is placed in a permanent home
I represent a rescue organization permanently fostering this dog in hospice care ('fospice').
I own this dog or intend to adopt this dog as my own forever.

Where did you get your dog?

I purchased this dog from a breeder, pet store or other individual.
I adopted this dog from a rescue organization or shelter, or I found the dog as a stray.
I bought this dog directly at a puppy mill auction.
This dog was surrenedered to my care due to death or the inability of another party to care for it properly.
Other -- I received the dog from an individual as a gift, etc.

Are you applying for a condition that existed on the date you obtained this dog?


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You may not republish information from this page without permission.
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CorgiAid, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.